Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Kak Limah dah Popular.


Hye. I just watched Hantu Kak Limah Balik Rumah a few days ago, and the impact of the movie is truly amazing. People are keep repeating the dialogues in the movie. Sampai kelas aku pun ade dialog-dialog Kak Limah.Perghh. Gila hebat impak movie ni.Mesti tuan pengarah dah senyum bangga kan kan kan?

Well done Kak Limah. You really did a good job!

Hebat hebat memang hebat belaka.Haha, kalau tengok movie Kak Limah ni memang mulut tak berhenti gelak hoii.

" Kak Limah hoii, nak tumpang ke?"


  1. cer cite cer citer~

    haishh ta abes2 dialog same che nin oiy!!

  2. ohoho.
    " kak limah hoi! dlm kampung jee.takyah pakai helmet pun takpee"


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